Game-changing research

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Collaborative Grape & Wine Research

NGRA aligns the priorities for research across the U.S. grape industries: wine grapes, table grapes, juice grapes and raisins.


Research-Related News

Our monthly newsletter is uniquely attuned to grape research. It’s a snapshot of what NGRA is up to, what issues we’re tracking, what grape research is yielding results and more.


Give to Grape Research

NGRA’s collaborative approach to finding solutions for the grape and wine industry’s most pressing problems has yielded some $65 million in funded research. Help support our work.


Featured Research Projects

Efficient Vineyard, 2015-2019

The Efficient Vineyard project seeks to develop sensor and mechanization technology to measure crop load and assess canopy with real-time imaging to enhance our ability to achieve vine balance and eventually develop tools for precision viticulture. This project has now concluded.

High-Resolution Vineyard Nutrient Management, 2020-2024

This project seeks to enable grape growers to make data-driven nutrient-management decisions for spatially heterogenous vineyards and diverse production markets, proposing to develop grower-friendly decision-aid tools for vineyard nutrient management to optimize inputs and business profitability via improved vineyard productivity and fruit and product quality, while minimizing adverse impacts on the environment.

VitisGen3, 2022-2026

The project aims to advance grape breeding by using the latest technologies to identify and test gene candidates, deliver advanced information — including computer-vision phenotyping, artificial intelligence, and DNA markers — to all U.S. grape breeders, develop disease-control programs, and train vineyard managers and Extension personnel across the U.S. in their use. Specifically, the project […]