Efficient Vineyard, 2015-2019

Lead Authors: Drs. Terry Bates and George Kantor, Cornell & Carnegie-Mellon Universities

Vineyard efficiency through high-resolution, spatio-temporal crop load measurement and management

Under the direction of Dr. Terry Bates (Cornell) and Dr. George Kantor (Carnegie Mellon), this top-priority project, titled “Efficient Vineyard: Vineyard Efficiency through High-Resolution, Spatio-Temporal Crop Load Measurement and Management,” seeks to develop sensor and mechanization technology to measure crop load and assess canopy with real-time imaging to enhance our ability to achieve vine balance and eventually develop tools for precision viticultural practices. Through NGRA, the industry committed over $995,000 for proof of concept work from 2011 through 2015, then extended through 2019.  In the first few years of this proof of concept work, the team took a stepwise approach in developing, deploying, and integrating proximal soil, canopy, and novel crop sensors to collect spatial information in research and commercial vineyards. Early efforts focused on validating canopy and yield monitor sensor data with manual vine measurements and developing an image analysis system for non-destructive fruit detection and measurement. In 2015, the research team deployed soil, canopy, and crop sensors in five commercial test vineyards spanning wine, table, and juice production. Data from multiple layers are now being evaluated further to understand spatial relationships and develop intra-vineyard management classifications. The purpose of this work is to allow producers to develop (spatial) data driven management decisions. This project has concluded.

For complete information and ongoing work in this area, visit www.efficientvineyard.com.

Theme Committee Assignment
Production Efficiency
Grant Type
NGRA Funded
Grant Amount / Funding Year
$6.2M for four years
Lead Author
Dr. Terry Bates & Dr. Stephen Nuske
Lead Institution
Cornell & Carnegie Mellon Universities
Grant Period
$'s Per Year